SIPTU welcomes completion of National Radiation Therapist Review Report

SIPTU representatives have welcomed the completion of the National Radiation Therapist Review Report and called on the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, to accept its recommendations on adequate staffing levels for cancer services.

SIPTU Sector Organiser, John McCamley, said: “We have previously highlighted that our health services have a 30% shortage of Radiation Therapists and this is leading to increased delays in cancer treatments. This staffing crisis has led to at least four cancer treatment machines not being utilised. These machines could treat around thirty patients a day, meaning there may be as many as 120 cancer cases not being dealt with daily due to staffing deficits.

“Radiation Therapists perform a crucial role within our health service. Almost half of people with a cancer diagnosis will require radiation therapy as part of their treatment plan. This treatment is delivered by radiation therapists as part of a multi-disciplinary team and they are the only profession with the legal authority to deliver radiation therapy with services delivered by the HSE in Dublin, Cork and Galway.”

McCamley added: “If the recommendations contained in this report are implemented, it will help develop a safe staffing model for radiation therapy, increase the number of clinical specialists and put in place a pilot scheme to develop advanced practice models. The report also acknowledges the sizeable pay gap between Radiation Therapists and other health and social care professional grades. This is resulting in difficulties in attracting students to take up the study of radiation therapy.”

SIPTU Radiation Therapy Shop Steward, Clara Cremin, said: “We are calling on the Minister for Health and HSE to accept the findings of the report as soon as possible and implement its recommendations as a matter of urgency to avert an all-out crisis in the State’s vital cancer services that so many depend on.”

New HSE recruitment policy means 2023 vacancies are now lost. Unions demand to know how funding for sanctioned posts was spent.

The ICTU group of healthcare unions representing staff in the HSE has said it remains concerned over the ability of the national health body to staff its services adequately, as the HSE’s latest staffing strategy shows that vacancies up to the end of 2023 have been effectively suppressed.

Unions have also raised questions with the HSE about how, in the absence of filling posts, funding for sanctioned posts was spent. Unions sought a meeting with the HSE following the announcement on Sunday (14th July) that it had lifted its ban on recruitment, which had been in place since October 2023.

In a statement following this morning’s meeting, speaking on behalf of the ICTU group, the INMO’s Albert Murphy said: “We immediately sought this meeting following correspondence from the HSE last week stating that strict controls would be placed on recruitment for the remainder of 2024.

“What has become clear is that there are still a significant number of vacant posts that went unfilled up the end of 2023.
“We were advised this morning that these posts will have to be considered in the context of the headcount for 2024. That is a complicated way of saying that these posts are effectively lost, he said.

Kevin Figgis of SIPTU added: “The question is now, were the posts that went unfilled in 2023 fully funded? And, if they were, where was that money spent?

“We believe the failure to fill these posts will continue to place severe pressure on healthcare workers to provide a safe service. The provision of timely and safe care is now an afterthought,” he said.

Unions have said they will reflect on this morning’s developments and revert back to management later in the week.

Fórsa’s Ashley Connolly added: “The inconsistency in its approach to human resources management doesn’t bode well for an employer, like the HSE, that’s hoping to persuade young workers to take up health service employment rather than leave the country.

“The HSE’s pay and numbers strategy (PNS) for 2024 has effectively guaranteed to loss of thousands of frontline positions. We know from our members that these will be vacancies in community health services, mental health, services to older people and is likely to affect disability services also.

“We remain concerned too for the additional pressure this will have on our members as they continue to try and deliver services in circumstances where vacant posts have been long suspended but now appear to be permanently suppressed,” she said.

Recruitment of radiation therapists is crucial to the success of Ireland’s cancer strategy

SIPTU representatives have said that the recruitment and retention of radiation therapists must be central to improving cancer services. The statement was made as the Dáil prepares to debate a Sinn Féin motion this evening (Tuesday, 16th April) which calls for increased funding for the National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026.

SIPTU Sector Organiser, John McCamley, said: “While there has been record investment in the health service, the HSE employment census shows that between December 2019 and February 2024, there has only been a 2% increase in the number of funded radiation therapists employed in the public healthcare system. That is an increase which is equal to only four full-time funded positions.

“That is even though the National Cancer Strategy 2017 – 2026 envisaged a significant increase in the need for oncology radiation services which are delivered by radiation therapists.

“Last month SIPTU reported that at least six machines used in the delivery of radiation therapy were lying unused in hospitals across the country. This included machines in St. Luke’s Oncology Network in Dublin, Cork University Hospital and Galway University Hospital. This is down to a lack of radiation therapists on staff to operate the machines.

He added: “SIPTU representatives have highlighted the need to address the staffing crisis through the progression of the radiation therapy review and the need for a comprehensive strategy for retaining experienced staff.

“We also want to see an expansion of undergraduate and postgraduate places to increase recruitment of radiation therapists as well as support for students during clinical placement. All these measures will assist in supporting staff in providing these vital services.”

Resounding majority of SIPTU members vote to support new Public Sector Pay Agreement

SIPTU members throughout the public service have voted by a resounding majority to accept the proposed new Public Sector Pay Agreement 2024 – 2026 in a ballot counted today (Thursday, 21st March) at centres in Dublin, Cork and Galway.

Speaking at the count centre in Liberty Hall in Dublin, SIPTU Deputy General Secretary, John King, said: “More than 90% of votes cast by our members were in favour of the proposed new Public Sector Pay Agreement. This agreement would signify a marked improvement in pay for public service workers, it also safeguards against job outsourcing and the privatisation of services.

“In addition, a clause within the deal provides a mechanism to address local claims and disputes within the public service. Our members have decided that the agreement goes someway to addressing the cost of living and inflation challenges facing them. It also provides for a degree of enhancement of their terms and conditions of employment.”

He added: “SIPTU representatives will present this mandate at the ICTU Public Services Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, 25th March. The rejection or acceptance of the agreement by members of ICTU-affiliated unions in the public service will be determined by the aggregating of the results of all the ballots conducted by the individual unions. This result is expected to be known next Monday.”

SIPTU calls for Community Nursing Unit in Nenagh to be used for original purpose

SIPTU members in St. Conlon’s Community Nursing Unit (CNU) in Nenagh, County Tipperary, have expressed deep concern at reports that a new building that was to cater for residents may instead be used as a step-down facility for University Hospital Limerick patients.

SIPTU Organiser, Mark Quinn, said: “Our members at St. Conlon’s CNU were preparing to move residents to the new state-of-the-art facility. However, they are concerned by media reports that the facility will now not be used for its original purpose but rather as a step-down facility for University Hospital Limerick patients. Their concern has been further heightened by suggestions that a private provider will manage the step-down facility.

“The reports that the newly built facility will not be used for its original purpose is also of grave concern to St. Conlon’s CNU residents and the wider community. The idea that a private company will provide services out of a state-of-the-art building, which has been built using significant state funding, is extraordinary.

“This is all the more disheartening when it is considered that the building project progressed following concerns raised by the Health Information and Quality Authority regarding St. Conlon’s CNU and its current suitability to adequately provide services for residents.”

He added: “SIPTU has raised its objections to this plan formally with the HSE and is awaiting a response. We have made our intention clear that we will use all options available to us as a Union to secure the best possible outcome for the staff of St. Conlon’s CNU, the residents that depend on its services and the broader community of Nenagh”.

Recruitment crisis in cancer services staff resulting in lifesaving machines lying idle

SIPTU representatives have highlighted that a lack of recruitment by the HSE of radiation therapists has resulted in lifesaving machines for treating cancer patients being left idle in hospitals in Dublin, Cork and Galway.

Speaking at the ‘Next Steps for Cancer Services in Ireland Seminar’ on Thursday (7th March) SIPTU National Radiation Therapist Executive member, Olivia Brereton, said that “the staffing crisis is having a devastating impact on our services”.

SIPTU Sector Organiser, Mr John McCamley, said: “At least six machines are lying unused in services across the country including St. Luke’s Oncology Network in Dublin, Cork University Hospital, and Galway University Hospital. This is down to a lack of radiation therapists on staff to operate the machines.

“Every time a machine lies idle, it means someone’s access to cancer treatment is delayed. Under the National Cancer Strategy, the timeframe from cancer diagnosis to commencing treatment should be three weeks. Ireland is not currently meeting that target.”

He added: “As a union, SIPTU has highlighted the need to address the staffing crisis through the progression of the radiation therapy review, and a comprehensive strategy for retaining experienced staff. We also want to see an expansion of undergraduate and postgraduate places to increase recruitment of radiation therapists and support for students during clinical placement”.

Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment. This treatment uses beams of high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells. Modern methods of radiation delivery require high accuracy. Radiation beams are directed at the tumours while healthy tissue is protected from high doses of radiation.

SIPTU NEC recommends acceptance of proposals for new Public Service Agreement

The National Executive Council (NEC) of SIPTU met today (Thursday 31st January) to consider the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) proposals for a new ‘Public Service Agreement 2024 – 2026’.

SIPTU representatives, along with colleagues in the Public Services Committee of the ICTU, have been in discussions over the last few months with the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP and Reform for a new Public Service Agreement. Following a period of intense engagement over the 25th and 26th January, a set of proposals were negotiated that will provide long lasting pay benefits to our members that are structured in a way that will assist them in dealing with the cost of living and inflationary crisis.

The proposals also provide for mechanisms to normalise industrial relations in the public service, a bargaining mechanism to allow workers deal with their grade related issues and, significantly, include procedures that protect our members against unilateral outsourcing.

The NEC, having considered the details of the proposals, decided that they should be put to a ballot of SIPTU members in the Public Service and Section 38 Agencies with a recommendation for acceptance.

The pay proposals secured by SIPTU and the other unions in these negotiations are crucially structured in a manner that is consistent with the outcome of previous agreements which prioritise the position of lower and middle-income earners.

If these proposals are accepted, SIPTU members will be covered by the provisions of this Public Service Agreement until the end of June, 2026.

Accordingly, the SIPTU National Executive Council recommends acceptance of these proposals which will be put to a vote of all our members in the public service in a secret ballot to be held over the period Monday, 12th February to Wednesday, 20th March, 2024.

Potentially life-saving initiative for members of the SIPTU Nurses & Midwives Salary Protection Scheme

SIPTU has teamed up with Cornmarket this January to tackle cancer through ‘Pink & Blue Power’, a potentially life-saving breast and prostate health programme for members of the SIPTU Nurses & Midwives Salary Protection Scheme. This salary protection scheme is open to SIPTU Nurses, Midwives, National Ambulance Service personnel and Health Care Assistants in the public service. More information is available here.

The aim of Pink & Blue Power is to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast and prostate cancer, while providing members with vital education, the opportunity for a once-off clinical physical assessment with a GP and a referral for further tests if needed. Women aged 30 to 49 and men aged 40 to 65 in the Scheme will be invited to attend.

Invites will be posted in 2024 in three rollout blocks (alphabetically by first name) as follows:
Rollout 1: posted in January
Rollout 2: posting in May
Rollout 3: posting in July

Places are limited and on a first-come, first served basis so book early to avoid disappointment. The cost of participating is covered by the Scheme.

The Pink & Blue Power programme was launched in response to a high level of cancer claims, and in recognition that 1 in 9 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, while 1 in 7 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. As we all know awareness and early intervention is crucial. The programme works. In a post programme survey, 92% said they know what to look for when self-checking their breasts compared to only 40% before participating.

This programme can help save lives so if you get an invite, we strongly encourage you to book.
For more, visit

Pink & Blue Power is a benefit of the SIPTU Nurses & Midwives’ Salary Protection Scheme.

Not a member of the Scheme? Visit for more on benefits and how to apply.

Workers’ voice must be part of mental health services discussion, SIPTU says

SIPTU, the union representing a broad range of mental health workers, has criticised the Department of Health and the Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD, for excluding workers from discussions on the delivery of services.

The criticism comes as the Government outlines its plans for mental health services at a conference entitled ‘Sharing the Vision: Our National Mental Health Policy’ in Dublin Castle today (Tuesday, January 16th).

John McCamley, SIPTU Sector Organiser, said: “It is astonishing that the voice of workers is not part of the discussion on the delivery of mental health services and the implementation of the ‘Sharing the Vision’ policy.

“Our members are at the coalface when it comes to delivering these services. They are a key stakeholder and their insights are indispensable to these discussions.

“Our union has highlighted significant challenges facing the mental health service, including staffing levels in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). It is a shame that the experience of our members has not been called upon to ensure the delivery of a safe, efficient service for those that depend on it.”

Staff our Services and end the HSE Recruitment Freeze – SIPTU

In the public health sector, dedicated healthcare workers strive daily to provide essential care and support to the nation’s citizens. However, the persistent challenge of understaffing, resulting from the HSE’s decision to implement a recruitment freeze until the end of 2023, threatens the very foundation of our healthcare system. It compromises the quality of the service and places an immense strain on those who tirelessly serve the community. It is critical that enough staff are employed in the Irish public health service, not just so we can provide support to healthcare services, but to ensure we are providing the best possible care to those in our society.

SIPTU has met with HSE CEO Bernard Gloster, as part of the Staff Panel of Unions, to discuss the recruitment freeze. The Union side raised concerns about its potential broader impact on the delivery of care. SIPTU noted that the recruitment freeze will impact patient facing roles such as health care assistants, health care support assistants, support staff, paramedics, and diagnostics. The Union side also conveyed a worry that the recruitment freeze will only add to the challenges that will be faced by staff during the winter season – a period when attendances traditionally increase, and staffing numbers are usually impacted by staff illnesses.

The Union side also noted that the freeze will have a direct and negative impact on the delivery of the HSE’s own objectives and expansion of services. Despite the above points being raised by Unions, the HSE’s position has not changed with regards to the recruitment freeze, to date.

Healthcare is undeniably a human-centric profession, dependent on the dedication and expertise of its workforce. The impact of understaffing is felt acutely by our members on the frontlines. Working extended hours, battling fatigue, and managing overwhelming caseloads, these individuals are the backbone of our healthcare system, and their well-being is intrinsically linked to the quality of care they can provide.

The correlation between staffing levels of all grades within the health service; and the quality of patient care cannot be overstated. Adequate staffing ensures that those working in healthcare can devote sufficient time to each patient, fostering better communication, comprehensive assessments, and personalised treatment plans. By investing in the adequate staffing, the HSE can not only prioritise the health and well-being of patients but also uphold the integrity of our healthcare system.
The toll of understaffing on healthcare workers is profound, both personally and professionally. Long working hours, high-stress environments, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility can lead to burnout and negatively impact mental health. A workforce that feels supported, with manageable workloads and adequate staffing, is better equipped to deliver the high standard of care that the Irish public deserves. Moreover, a satisfied and fulfilled workforce is more likely to stay within the profession, contributing to the stability and continuity of our healthcare system.

The HSE must staff our services; and end the recruitment freeze. A commitment to hiring enough staff is a commitment to the health and well-being of our healthcare workers and our communities.