The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was discussed at our recent Health Division conference by our guest speaker Billy Hayes , the general secretary of the Communication Workers Union in the UK. 

SIPTU delegates also debated the possible impact a potential transatlantic agreement may have on Irish and EU economic, employment and social policies. 

Over the next weeks TTIP will become a major part of the national news debate and SIPTU will be campaigning to inform all of our members of the impact TTIP could have on our society, community, economy and health service. 

Please follow this link to a debate between Tom Healy, director of the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) and Mark Redmond, CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce to find out more about TTIP and the threats it could potential pose to public services, democracy and workers rights. 

You can also read the Irish Congress of Trade Unions submission to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on modalities for Investment protection and ISDS in the Transatlatic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) here

Please see for further updates.Â