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04/03/2019 Comments are off SIPTU Health

SIPTU Nursing to attend WRC hearing this week

SIPTU Nursing representatives have today (Monday, 4th March) confirmed that negotiations between unions and officials at the Health Service Executive, Department of Health and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform have been referred to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).

SIPTU Sector Organiser, Kevin Figgis, said: “SIPTU representatives have been contacted by the WRC to inform our union that a referral has been made by employers (HSE) seeking their assistance on the draft contract for enhanced nurses. SIPTU will not support a contract which seeks to destabilise a workforce, remove the concept of a recognised place of work or creates uncertainty for the workforce providing service.”

“It is incumbent that any flexibility required of the nursing/midwifery profession must be linked to the development of such policies as the implementation of SlainteCare and the development of community service, and not merely be viewed as an employer attempting to blatantly deconstruct existing working day or base locations.”

A general nursing meeting will be convened the WRC this week, followed by a mental health meeting.

SIPTU will be in attendance for both and further updates will be made available on the SIPTU Health App.

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