Important update: HSE pay
SIPTU Health representatives attended a meeting with national Health Service Executive (HSE) officials this afternoon (Wednesday, 19th May) regarding HSE Pay.
The following update was received:
- The HSE confirmed staff will be paid on their normal pay day this week.
- The HSE is making final arrangements to pay staff this week for hours worked. This includes basic salary, premiums and overtime. SIPTU representatives understand most SAP areas have concluded this work and the final areas are due in shortly.
- Unions were advised payroll has worked throughout the night to replicate the pay run so that staff can be paid as normal this week.
- The HSE advised challenges are arising for next week and options are being considered to address this. This includes options such as 1) as per arrangements for this week, i.e. pay staff for hours worked or 2) replicate the last pay run which may result in some variance for premiums or overtime. The HSE committed to a further meeting early next week to update on the arrangements for pay which will apply for week beginning 24th May.
- If there are discrepancies in pay received, members are advised to contact their local salary office in the first instance.
- Normal deductions will be taken from pay such as pension, income tax etc
- Pay will be paid as per normal means i.e. into bank directly or by cheque if that is the pre-existing arrangement.
- Delivery of payslips is still being considered and to be clarified.
- New Staff: HSE committed to getting new staff set up on system and paid as normal.
- Section 38 Organisations: Unions were advised some Section 38 Organisations will have their own pay roll and will not be affected. Some Section 38 Organisations may use the Health Service Executive system and will therefore be encompassed by this update.
SIPTU representatives sought clarification of the extent of personal information of staff held by the HSE, as the employer, which may be compromised by the cyber-attack. This includes whether personal financial information of staff held by the HSE has been breached by the attack.
The HSE committed to seeking clarification on this matter and reverting to the unions as soon as possible.