SIPTU members: Vaccination update
SIPTU Health representatives attended a meeting with national vaccination team this afternoon (Wednesday, 9th June)
The following update was received:Â
- The HSE confirmed their email communication system remains severely disrupted following the recent cyber-attack.
- The HSE stated it is currently finalising the process of reducing the period for dose 2 AstraZeneca from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. This will be developed over the next 3 weeks. Approx. 360k appointments will have to be brought forward as a result of the change in sequencing.
- For next week, the HSE stated its intent to vaccinate 140k Pfizer Dose 2, 100k AstraZeneca Dose 2 & 80k (mainly) Pfizer Dose 1. The HSE expects the next 3 weeks to be particularly busy.
- GP’s are expected to continue vaccinating Cohort 4 & 7 within their practice.
- The HSE advised supply of AstraZeneca is good for this week and next week. A delivery of 130K is expected by week of 21st June.
- For next week, Pfizer reserves will be used (approx. 40k). The HSE advised two large deliveries of Pfizer are due by the end of the month to replenish stocks.
- The HSE confirmed NIAC has been advised of recent HCW concerns re Dose 2 AstraZeneca. Unions were advised updated guidance is expected shortly and will be distributed on receipt.
- Unions and the HSE agreed to meet again next Wednesday for a further update.