SIPTU Workers Memorial Day Ceremony 2020
On Workers’ Memorial Day 2020, we find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic that’s having profound effects on us all. The COVID-19 outbreak has shown us how vulnerable we are to an epidemic, and how devastating the effects can be: on life, on society, on our economy.
This crisis has demonstrated, as never before, the importance of protecting the safety, health and welfare of all people, whether at home or in the workplace.
It has also shown the importance of investing in good public health care, investing in good conditions for health care workers and other frontline workers, and the need to ensure good sick pay and other provisions to protect the wages and jobs of all.
Earlier today, SIPTU Health Division joined with our sisters and brothers from the private sector and the wider public service membership of our union to commemorate all those who died from Covid-19.
Ar dheis dé go raibh a n-anamacha dÃlse.