29/08/2019 Comments are off SIPTU Health

A Victory for Support Grade Workers

As we prepare to ballot, let us reflect on the objectives of our PAY JUSTICE campaign, how far we have come by working together and what the NEXT STEPS in our campaign can achieve for you and thousands of members of our union.

The Recommendation comes at the end of a hard fought campaign in which you, the members, demonstrated your determination by taking strike action last June.

This action was taken after deep consideration, as a last resort, after the Government attempted to deny SIPTU members who were successful in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Job Evaluation scheme payment until 2021 and 2022.

Due to our members taking to the picket line intervention was made and after over 10 days the Labour Court determined that the objectives pursued by SIPTU representatives be addressed starting in September 2019.

Labour Court Recommendation at a Glance

SIPTU shop stewards have been the key factor in making the Support Staff Job Evaluation a reality for thousands of members across the country. Our campaign had two pillars:

  • Payment in 2019 to members successful in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of a Job Evaluation Scheme
  • A commencement and closing date for Job Evaluation for members in Phase 4

These two key objectives have been addressed and secured in Labour Court Recommendation 22066

To see LCR22066 in full click here.

Phase 1 and Phase 2

Should the Labour Court Recommendation be accepted, payments due to members successful in Phase 1 and Phase 2 will commence 1st September, 2019.

Phase 4

A commencement date for evaluation of members in Phase 4 will commence immediately on acceptance of the Recommendation.

In recognition of the timeframe to conclude Job Evaluations accurately and fairly, the Labour Court has recommended the cut-off date for completion of these evaluations and any payments due to members to not go beyond 1st January, 2021.

For Payment, For Progress. Vote in Favour of Pay Justice

As the Labour Court Recommendation delivers on the key objectives of our Pay Justice campaign we recommended that members VOTE IN FAVOUR of the recommendation.

A YES VOTE will help us move to the next phase of the campaign where thousands of members will receive increases in pay and thousands more will enter a process that allows for their jobs to be evaluated.

Public Service Stability Agreement

SIPTU members will also receive a pay boost of 1.75% this September due under the Public Service Stability Agreement and a further 2% increase in October 2020. This is in addition to upgrades and increases due to our members in all phases of Job Evaluation.

New Entrants

New Entrants agreement not effected by Labour Court recommendation.

Use your vote

SIPTU members in 38 hospitals and health care facilities will be voting on Labour Court Recommendation 22066 from Monday 12th August 2019 until Wednesday, 18th September, 2019.

Please contact your local Shop Steward and/or SIPTU representative for ballot details.