28/08/2019 Comments are off SIPTU Health

Chefs: A Step Closer to Pay Justice 

Chefs throughout the Irish Health Service have moved a significant step closer to securing pay justice.

Following intensive discussions and a lengthy industrial and political campaign the Labour Court has recommended that the Health Service Executive engage in a twelve week process under the auspices of the Workplace Relations Commission.

Thanks to the commitment and determination of our members and elected shop stewards SIPTU has secured a green light to negotiate the application of Craft Grades for Chef professionals employed in the health service.

The two key features of Labour Court Recommendation 22065:

  • A set twelve week time for negotiations.
  • Should the parties not reach agreement the Labour Court will intervene, address the parties on the issues in dispute and make a recommendation to bring our pay justice campaign to a conclusion.

The challenge

SIPTU representatives must secure the necessary funding of €2.2 million to make the initial jump to the new pay scales established for Craftworkers on a cost neutral basis.

SIPTU and Chef Shop Stewards have a significant amount of research already available having already completed a review of the Cooks Report through an independent process.

The opportunity 

The HSE and SIPTU have agreed to base our negotiations on the data available in this independent report which delivers pay justice and a recognised robust pay scale.

The decision on how we move forward is now yours. We are asking you to VOTE IN FAVOUR of the Labour Court Recommendation as the best way forward to secure pay justice for you and your profession.

Completing the journey 

It is through your determination and commitment which has made it possible to convince the HSE and the Labour Court that the issue of pay for Chef Professionals will not go away and must be resolved.

Let’s take the next steps to complete the journey.

Read the Labour Court recommendation here